Welcome to Catalyst High School Student Work Page
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Please click below to view student made web pages:
Sierra's web page linking to her Google Map Project for Jack Kerouac's On the Road.
Sierra's presentation on Designer Babies.
- Kaitlyn's presentaion on Progeria.
- Nick's presentaion on the Universe.
- Nick's presentaion on the Hip-Hop.
- Eria's presentation on Ancient Egypt
- Eria's presentation of her orignal digital art
- Chico's Dada video cut up & rant (a 2 minute 22 second wmv video).
- Chico's video on the Envirionmental History of America (a 2 minute 25 second wmv video).
- John's slides from his Shamanism presentation.
- One of Marissa's best works.
- A sample of Miles' orignal digital art.
- One of Cody's best digital art pieces.
Nathan's orignal digital art published online on the Digital Dada web site.
- One of Katherine's best art pieces.
- Marissa's presentation on global warming.'s
- Arielle's & Grace's web site on Education to Reduce Hate.