Wellness Wednesdays
Every Wednesday Catalyst students explore health and wellness activities in the community. Students choose from a range of opportunities including: participating in physical fitness activities, accessing health-related resources in the community, volunteering with our community partners, and exploring creativity at art studios and museums. We devote every Wednesday, 20% of the school year, to developing the whole-life skills, interests and values that arise from these activities.
Examples of community service include:
Helping at Community Food Share
Volunteering at Bead for Life
Partnering with Bicycles for Humanity – Colorado
Helping at ¡Cultiva! Growing Gardens
Volunteering at ReSource
Students participate in physical fitness activities including:
- Cycling
- Hiking
- Yoga
- Self-defense
- Rock climbing
- Group sports
- Recreation Center visits with activities like:
- Weight-training/exercise equipment use
- Ice Skating
- Swimming
- Track
- Basketball
We also explore creative arts and intellectual highlights around the region including:
Creating art forms at Sent(a)Mental Studio in Denver www.sentamentalstudios.weebly.com
Visiting area art galleries and museums www.dmns.orgwww.denverartmuseum.org
Critiquing films with critic Howie Movshovitz Starz Entertainment www.starz.com
Attending the Conference on World Affairs www.colorado.edu/cwa/information.html
Participating in the International Film Series at CU, Boulder www.internationalfilmseries.com